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Celebrating Earth Month #WithAllegion

Earth Day began on April 22, 1970 as a day to raise awareness for emerging environmental concerns. Over the last 50+ years, it has evolved into a globally recognized event that involves over 1 billion people in more than 193 countries. Today many take it beyond the one-day affair spending the entire month of April advocating for global sustainability.


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This is precisely what we at Allegion, the parent company for Schlage, decided to do. The Canadian team was encouraged to take part in Earth Month initiatives throughout April. Employees from coast-to-coast received Earth Day kits, including tips and tools to support environmental initiatives, along with COVID-19 safety reminders.


During this time, everyone thought hard about the challenge, coming up with clever ideas on how to do their part. Several employees chose to participate in community clean-ups, ridding local parks of litter accumulated during the winter season. Others planted trees throughout their communities to help combat climate change with clean air. Many showed their support by switching to environmentally-conscious household products such as reusable bags and eco-friendly cleaning supplies. One employee and his son decided to build their own compost bin to help produce future vegetable gardens. Clothing donations also made the list helping those in need while keeping unwanted items out of landfills. Lastly, recycling was a popular activity, with employees repurposing old curtains to make reusable grocery bags and face masks. The Allegion manufacturing plants in Mississauga and Edmonton also did their part with planned clean-ups in and around the facilities.

Earth Day collage Square

It was a great month celebrating our beautiful and mighty planet by taking action for a more sustainable future, and it doesn’t have to end with April! The Government of Canada’s Protect Nature Challenge, highlights the 9 R’s that we as consumers can take into consideration when striving for a more healthier planet:

1. Rethink – Consider the types of products you bring home. Find an alternative to all the plastic packaging. Borrow the item from someone else. Wait 30 days before purchasing a luxury item, and then decide if you need it.


2. Refuse – Say no to things you don’t need, such as free gifts and plastic bags at the store.


3. Reduce – Avoid buying things you don’t need. Donate any extra items you may have. Many communities have “buy nothing” groups online where you can share items with your neighbours. Try to keep your house footprint small and reduce meat consumption too.


4. Reuse – Use glass jars and reusable containers for meals and check second-hand shops for other items you may need.


5. Repair – See if broken objects and damaged clothing can be repaired before you throw them away.


6. Repurpose – Get crafty. Repurpose old objects to make them into something new and original.


7. Rot – Compost unusable food scraps or leftovers, yard waste, and other natural fibres. Check with your municipality for accepted items.


8. Recycle – Clean your used containers and check guidelines for your local recycling facility. Many items can be recycled rather than sent to the landfill.


9. Recruit – Encourage your family and friends to make changes in their environmental habits.


We encourage everyone to try and make sustainable changes using the 9 R’s so that we all can enjoy this incredible planet we call home. Let’s make today, tomorrow, and every day Earth Day.

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